Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just a thought

I was checking my email today when one of the headlines just jumped out at me. The headline was "Gingrich at Republican Fundraiser Says Obama’s ‘Already Failed.'" The article was not really that interesting, just talked about a speech Gingrich gave where he made the comment that President Barack Obama’s plan to fix the economy through stimulus spending and government intervention to boost companies like General Motors Corp. has "already failed." Now, my point is not make some political argument, my point is that the American people have put much of their hope in Obama, and to some he has already failed their hopes. The point however is that as followers of Christ, we don't have to worry about the One we put our hope into failing. God has said he will never leave us of forsake us, and that is the truth. We can go through even hard times like we are in now with a sense of peace and excitement knowing that our hope is found in Christ and his righteousness. So the next time you are having a rough day, week, month or year, I urge you to make sure you have placed you hope in Christ alone, and God gaurantees that you won't be disappointed!

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